B. Ashton Visuals

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Watson Party of Two

Isaiah + Ariana

These two were instant winners in my book when we connected and had our first conversation. Their story is sweet and genuine offering hope to those who may stumble across love in thee simplest of ways.

Watson Party of Two

As Ariana wrote to me her love story, it read a little something like this…

“So where do I start… so we have a pretty "millennial" love story. One day, I was on FaceTime with my cousin having a good conversation, who was hanging out with some of her friends. As we continued, her friends were having fun so I became interested. Isaiah being one of the friends was there of course. Surprisingly, she put him in the camera and Isaiah says, "Dang Ma." LOL.

She kept inviting me to her church but I didn’t want to go at first, then I changed my mind and all of a sudden Isaiah was there. Behold, Isaiah was sitting right there by the door and I asked my friend “Is he okay? These were just a few times we crossed paths and made small talk as interest built up”.

Now, this is where it gets juicy.

There was one day Ariana had an agenda to connect with Isaiah because she knew he was managing a store and he was currently there. Next, Ariana had a brilliant idea! She wanted to order drinks knowing she would see him again. Without a doubt, it was her plot so she made a choice to go inside his job instead of the drive-thru. 

Ariana said to me, “That was our first encounter and how I met my best friend”. They became best friends because they departed from their past and shared similar stories in a previous area and it was easy to talk to each other and it wasn’t anything forced.

Here are a few thoughts from the Bride and Groom about one another lol…

Isaiah: Ariana’s personality was really nice and she was beautiful and he loved the great conversations they had. Lastly, I’m so grateful for all she has ever done for me, and us because at the beginning of our relationship Ariana was driving back and forth for about 2 years to keep us going, I’ll never forget that!

Ariana: What attracted me to Isaiah was something very simple. I never had a relationship where I didn’t feel the need to pull him to church or constantly outpour because he already had a strong relationship with God. Oh yeah, he’s also funny lol.

The rest is really history from there, they've been pretty inseparable ever since (of course).